Wednesday 11 March 2020

Important: Google Classrooms (3ºA/B, 3ºC)

Hi all, (this entry is ONLY for my students of 3ºA/B and 3ºC)

Finally I have opted for Google Classrooms as the platform to exchange activities and homework. The classes have already been created, now you only need a code to enter yours (you know how it works better than me).

I am going to send some students in each group an email with the code you have to use to enroll. Please, share the code with the rest of the students in the group (through whatsapp for example). From now on, as it is far more convenient for you and me, you will send your LC worksheets to this platform and not to my email address. The students of 3ºA/B who have already sent me their LC worksheets to my mail DON´T have to send it again. The students of 3ºC only have to do this for the second LC worksheet (next Wednesday).

I´ll use the virtual classroom to upload materials and your LC worksheet marks, therefore it´s compulsory for each student in my ESO groups to enroll in their virtual classroom.

Thank you all.

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