Tuesday 9 June 2015

Chicago exchange video

Juan Carlos Cortés, one of the Nicholas Senn high school teachers who came to visit us with his students, has made a fantastic video with the experience. Don´t miss it (click here).

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Frankenstein topics: your ideas

"Playing God":

"Overreaching can damage yourself and you could pay a deadly price like Frankenstein. An example of overreaching was in the World War II when Hitler wanted to create the Aryan race by killing millions of people. An example of overreaching nowadays could be the bodybuilders. They want to achieve a good and healthy body but they go too far when they start eating those pills and steroids that can harm their health". (Gonzalo P., 3ºA)

"We can reach the possibility of being immortal, but I don´t think that is a good idea. I mean, living for millions of years is boring, all the time the same, and if people don´t die, we will have overpopulation and the natural resources will be consumed". (Ismael F., 3ºA)

"Nowadays there are illnesses that can be cured because some scientists played God in a way. But at the same time, it can also be very negative. I wouldn´t have perfect children, because if they are mine, I want them to look like me not like the perfect model society builds". (Lucía F., 3ºA)

"For me perfection is a myth, but for others is a line that they must cross before they die. The reason I think perfection is a myth is because no one is going to get it or that it is necessary for living because if it was like that we would not be where we are now". (María M., 3ºD)

"I think Frankenstein should have thought more about this before creating the monster. Despite the fact he thought it would be a great scientific innovation, things went horribly bad for him and finally dies".  (Adrián M., 3ºA)

 "The obsession for knowledge":
"In the novel, Victor is keen  on creating life in order to go beyond the limits of life itself. His only occupation is finishing the creature without caring about the price he has to pay for it. He goes so deeply into his work that he is not aware of the things which are happening around him. he is not aware he is going too far and afterwards he is going to regret having created the creature. His obsession makes him lose the people he loves most because the monster he creates kills them. Victor played God, and he was backfired". (Alejandro Z., 3ºA)

"I think you can have dreams and fight for them, but you must know how to fight for your ambitions. You can´t devote all your time to a dream and leave your friends and family bacause sometimes you won´t have anything else". (Selma R., 3ºD)

"I think that being eager to learn is great, but just to a certain extent, not excessively. Furthermore, sometimes being too perfectionist, apart from leading you to possible stress and burden, drives you to do things worse. To conclude, I would say that obsession, as Plato once stated, usually backfires". (Inés A., 3ºD)

"Nowadays some scientists are obsessed with achieving unbelivable things. For example, there are scientists who are interested in carrying out a head transplant. This could be a great improvement for modern medicine, but it could have terrible consequences. What if it changes your personality and makes you cruel and violent?" (Daniel V., 3ºA)

"I think humans, in fact, were created to dedicate their lives to finding the way their world, their lives, everything came to be and as I have previoulsy commented, the only way we can satisfy our needs is by being "obsessed" and being determined. I know we will NEVER know everything, it is impossible, but we still try and try, and that makes us become obsessed and even mad. So I would say  that knowledge is fantastic but people must know that we will never know everything and that we can try to increase our knowledge but always with control. I guess I should start doing it too." (Ángela A., 3ºD)

"Frankenstein´s friend Walton is also obsessed with something, he wants to discover a way to go through the North Pole, not caring about what happens to his crew, just wanting to fulfill his dreams to be remembered in History. At least, he ends up noticing how obsessed he is, and when he sees what his friend Victor has done, he decides to go back home with his family and forget about all those crazy thoughts that could have killed him". (Laura G., 3ºD).

"Are humans (some of them) born evil or are they made evil by society?":
 "Frankenstein´s monster was discriminated by society because he was different and as he had killed people they also thought he was evil but no one had told him that killing others isn´t good, so he didn´t understand why people were scared of him, all except the blind man that can´t see him and isn´t afraid because for him is like the rest of the humans". (Elisabet C., 3ºA)

"The creature is alone and isolated, when he finally finds out that it is his appearance the thing that makes him different and that he can´t change that, he decides to take revenge on mankind and specially on his creator". (Ángela C., 3ºA)

"The most noticeable moment of this theme in the novel is when Farnkenstein´s monster realizes he has been evil because he was rejected by society and decides to go North to kill himself". (Lucas S.D., 3ºD)

"The monster wants to be loved so he tells Victor to create a female monster for him. If you don´t have love in your life, you will become evil, just like the monster". (Carlos E., 3ºD)

"The creature knew he was a monster, that he wasn´t a normal person, and he felt really bad because of that. He had feelings, he could understand what was happening around him, but people just watched him as a grotesque creature that just wanted to kill people." (Verónica T., 3ºD)

"All that glitters is not gold (and viceversa)":
"We shouldn´t focus just on the appearance because it creates delusions on us. Many times, beautiful images are used to attract us and buy things that we don´t really like, we just do it because of its appearance". (Aroa M., 3ºA)

"It´s a bit sarcastic that, the moment in which the monster is created we all think that the monster is going to be the bad character in this story, when actually the bad character is Frankenstein due to the fact that his attitude looks more like the one of a monster than the one of a human, while the only thing the monster wants is to form part of society and be accepted". (Javier M., 3ºD)

"The monster is not such a bad person. He feels sad because he is rejected by everyone, also by his creator. During the book we can see strokes of humanity in him, a real monster wouldn´t have them. (...) At the end, signs of sanity come back to him. (...) Despite the fact that the creature was ugly and his behaviour was terrible, he had a good heart". (Andrea G., 3ºD).

"It is a real fact that beautiful and attractive people succeed more in life than ugly or fat people, which in my opinion is a shame for mankind. Actually a beautiful person will get old and ugly, but an intelligent, kind and good person will always be that way despite of the passing of the years". (Raquel L., 3ºD)

"Nature vs Science":
"From my point of view science is not that bad. It helps us to carry out our daily activities in an easier way, as well as helps us to fight illnesses, or at least to undergo them with less suffering. However, we should all bear in mind that nature shouldn´t be modified and we must assume that death is part of life, and nothing will ever change this. To conclude (...) we should all trust human beings a bit more... ". (Sara S., 3ºD)

Great work!!