Monday 28 January 2013

Tales of Ten Worlds (E2A/B)

Relate these pictures to the plot of the following stories in Clarke´s book:
-Death and the Senator
-Before Eden
-Dog Star
-Saturn Rising
-Trouble with Time
-A Slight Case of Sunstroke

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Your predictions for the future (E1A/C)

"This is not 100% sure but in future schools instead of normal stairs there might be escalators and there might be lifts. The only thing that is 99% sure is that all the children will have laptops instead of books and they will have a perfect back because of that". (Inés)

"All people will have a house, food, work and scientists will discover medicines for illnesses that today can´t be cured." (Irene)

"Pets might not be as they are today. They might have a chip in their heads so they can communicate with their owners and tell them when they want to eat, play, go for a walk..." (Ángela)

"There won´t be schools or universities because the people could have very clever robots that will teach them in their homes, even there might not be policemen and firefighters because there will be a security robot in each street for preventing robberies, fires or for rescuing cats from the trees". (Miguel Ángel)

"Teachers will give you presents every day and if you want you can study or not.(...) We won´t have rules in this world". (José Luis)

"Teachers of school will be furious robots that will fail all the students. The holidays will last approximately 5 months". (María)

"Children will be very intelligent because there will be a machine maybe like a memory stick to pass the information directly to the brain. (...) The days will last 37 hours and the weeks may be like this: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Thursday and Sunday. We will have a month of holidays every two months". (Alejandra)

"I´m sure that computers will rule the world (...). People might communicate with everybody around the world because somebody will invent a new language that everybody will be able to speak. Pets will be robots of different shapes and colours, they won´t need food and might help with the housework".(Noelia)

"The people will have their houses in a cloud; so to move from one cloud to another people will have to buy the "C.A.M." (CloudAirMoving), it will be very cheap because each person will have to buy one to move". (Noelia)

"Scientists will invent high speed underground trains so we may go from Madrid to Barcelona in 3 hours. (...) Normal trains won´t use electricity, they will use solar panels". (Javier)

"I think in the future there might be pieces of land floating thanks to powerful reactors". (Sofía)

"I think the future will be horrible. Nowadays many people have smartphones and they even chat in Whatsapp while they are eating, so imagine the future. We won´t have oral communication, we will be limited to send e-mails and chat on mobiles, even at home we won´t talk about what we have done. (...) Definitely machines will control us and people with feelings and without technology will become extinct".(Álvaro)

"I think in the future we will have robots in our houses, we will have a time machine to travel through the past, present and future, we may be sixteen years old forever, (...) we will be born with the brain of an adult so we won´t have to go to school, high-school or university".(Natalia)

"Some aliens might come to the Earth to steal our noses so we will invent a robot nose to smell". (Adrián)

"People will be a little bit silly because with all these electronic things we will have everything done for us".(Lucía)

"Being optimistic you can think that in a hundred years we might have many medicines, that there might not be diseases, that the crisis will be over, that there won´t be any more wars, the child slavery will finish and all the bad things of this world will disappear. But I repeat: it´s only for optimistic people, not like me. So enjoy this world we have now because it might be the last one". (Aroa)

Good job to you all!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Arthur C. Clarke (E2A/B)

-Answer the questions using the information here:
1.What is the name of the town where Arthur C. Clarke was born? Where in the map is it (go to google maps to find out)?

2.Arthur C.Clarke belonged to the Big Three group, what is it?

3.Where did he emigrate in 1956? Why?

4. Locate that country in this map (use google maps):

-Now answer the following questions using the information here.
5. In which one of his novels is there a space elevator?

6.What was the name of his last book?

7.When did he write The Sentinel?

-Answer these questions using this link here.
8.This is a newspaper article, what is the name of the newspaper where it was published?

9.How old was he when he died? 
10.How many books did he write?

11. 2001 a Space Odyssey is probably his most famous novel. When was it turned into a film?

12. Go to the heading “Popularizer of Science” and explain why some astronauts decided to choose such a dangerous job.

-Watch these videoclips and tell me if you can find a relation with the plots in the 4 stories by Clarke you have read so far (Summertime on Icarus, Who´s there, Into the Commet and Let There Be Light):


Wednesday 9 January 2013

"I have a dream" presentation (E2A/B)

These are the basic guidelines you have to follow for your presentation next Tuesday:

1.CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION: The topic must be clear and follow a logical order. You must use examples to prove your points.

2.COMPREHENSION: Speak slowly and loudly enough. Your audience must understand what you say!

3.PREPARATION: The more you prepare the more confident you´ll feel.

4.INTERACTION WITH THE AUDIENCE. Remember you must sell your dream! Use your body language, try to capture the attention of the audience (ask them if they understand, try to make them participate with questions).

5. BE ENTHUSIASTIC! (Remember Martin Luther King´s style).  As Stephanie told you, the more excited you are about your topic the better your presentation will be. You must convince us!

And the most important thing: RELAX AND TRY TO ENJOY the experience, it´s like a little theatre play! (Stephanie and I´ll be there to lend you a hand). If you need inspiration (and example), watch the "I have a dream" speech by Martin Luther King:


Monday 7 January 2013

Picture description (B1A/B)

About Jenny Alexander (E1A/C)

Do you remember who Jenny Alexander is? Yes, she´s the author of Tom, Sid, the Goth and the Ghost , the book you have been reading over Xmas (hopefully). First of all, just a couple of easy questions about the plot:
-Who is Sid?
-Who is the goth?
-And what about the ghost?

The idea now is to search for some information on the author´s life and work. You have to answer the following questions about her (you can find the info in Jenny´s blog):
1.How many books has Jenny Alexander written?
2.Which year was her first book published?
3.Does she also write non-fiction books?
4. How often does she write poetry?
5. What does she teach?
6.Explain the dream she had when she was 5 years old.
7.What is her favourite bird?
8.Where did she live in the past? What is now her first house?
9. Who is Shintie?

Good hunt!

Thursday 3 January 2013