Friday 25 October 2019

The Graveyard Book questions for next LC (ch.6). 4ºA

Hi all, these are the questions for the next Literary Circle on The Graveyard Book: 

In the book you can find epitaphs of people buried in the graveyard. They appear in italic letters next to the name of the person (for example in chapter 2, p.98: "Joji G. Shoji, d. 1921, I was a stranger and you took me in").  Remember also Liza´s epitaph (made up by Bod): “We don´t forget”.

-Look for an epitaph in the book that you like and explain what it may mean and why you chose it (60 words min.). There are more epitaphs on these pages:

Now choose one of these two questions to develop (in around 80 words):

-What epitaph would you like to have on your grave? Explain why.

-In Chapter 6 Bod wants to go to school, even though Silas does not approve of it, actually he has to convince him. It is not something a kid would normally like, why do you think he wants it so much?

And Happy Halloween...

Wednesday 2 October 2019

The Graveyard Book reading plan (4ºA)

Here you are the planning for the Literary Circles about The Graveyard Book.  As usual, you must bring the LC worksheet  about the assigned chapter(s) those days to be able to participate

  • OCTOBER 8: CH. 3 
  • OCT. 15 : CH. 4 
  • OCT. 22: CH. 5 + INTERLUDE 
  • OCT. 29: CH. 6
  • NOVEMBER 5: CH. 7-8 
  • NOV. 11: EXAM

"Face your life,
 Its pain, 
Its pleasure, 
Leave no path untaken".