Thursday 28 September 2017

Literary circles plan for the first term (4ºD)

This is the reading plan for How I live now.The literary circles will take place on Thursdays (with the exception of the second week of October, then it´ll be on Tuesday 10). 2 days in advance you must hand in the literary circle worksheet (with the format you already know).

October 5: chapters 1-6 (Literary workshop: you don´t have to prepare the LC worksheet)
Oct. 10 (Tuesday): chapters 7-11
Oct. 19: ch.12-16
Oct. 26: ch. 17-20
Nov. 2: ch. 21-24
Nov. 9: ch. 25-28
Nov. 16: ch. 29 to the end.

The exam (10% of the total term mark, 30% min. to pass the term) will be on Nov. 17 (Friday).

As a warming-up, have a look if you like at the film trailer (but I don´t recommend watching the film because the plot is not the same as the book).

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Presentations 3ºB,C

Presentation topics for the 1.30 min speaking activity (in pairsto take place on October 6. Choose your pair, then both decide on a topic from the list below and tell me ASAP. Remember topics can´t be repeated, they´ll be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis! (On October 3 you have to give me the list with the pairs and the topics each pair has picked). 

1. The best thing that has ever happened to me 
2. The worst thing that has ever happened to me
3. A surprise I had 
4. A memory from childhood I´ll always remember
5. What is friendship?
6. Bilingual education: pros and cons 
7. A problem I have 
8. Your most embarrassing moment.
9. What would you like to change and why? 
10. Things I can't understand 
11. Your most curious dream.
12. High school is the best time in your life. Or not…
13. Things you would change in our high-school 
14. Your favourite book 
15. Should mobiles be used at school?
16. Your dream job 
17. Will robots replace humans?  Will robots take our jobs? 
18. Would you want to live on another planet?
19. Social networking sites: pros and cons.
20. What will future houses look like?
21. Sex roles

Saturday 23 September 2017

Literature projects (4ºD)

Hi all,
Now this is the distribution of topics and dates for the projects. You´ll know the exact day as soon as I know the day(s) we are going to have the assistant with us. Anyway, your presentation will take place one day of the week indicated.

American authors:
1st author´s presentation. Edgar Allan Poe: David´s  team (9-13 Oct.)
2nd presentation. Emily Dickinson: Lorena´s team (16-20 Oct.)
3rd presentation. Walt Whitman:  Petar´s team (23-27 Oct.) 

British authors:
4th presentation. Charlotte Brontë: Natalia´s team (30 Oct.-3 Nov.)
5th presentation. Charles Dickens: Juan´s team (6 Nov.-10 Nov.)
6th presentation. Oscar Wilde: Simina´s team (13Nov.-17 Nov.)

Just as a reminder, here you are again the guidelines for the project:

Duration: Around 20 minutes (in the 4-member groups). Each participant must speak for 5 minutes. Later we´ll clarify important points, assess your work and your classmates will take the quiz you’ve prepared beforehand.

Your presentation should include:
1) Author’s biography: the student in charge of the biography will also conclude the presentation too. Do not include more than 3 dates.
2) His/her 3 main works. Each student will talk about one. (In 3-member groups only 2 works)
3) A quiz for your classmates. Your 10-question quiz must be included in your power point together with the answers and in a word document. Both PPT and word document will be sent to your teacher by e-mail 2 days before your presentation.

4) A Poster that you’ll bring to class the day of your presentation. It will include: name of the author, photo and either a quotation by the author or an interesting fact about his/her life.

Assessment: 10% of your total term mark. Half of the mark for the project will be a common mark shared by all members in the team, the other 50% will depend on each student´s individual performance. Besides, don´t forget the literature exam will include all these contents (together with my own introductory presentations). 

Basic Dos and Dont´s (but don´t forget the others I told you in class): 
-Don´t read your presentations. Make them simple so they are easy to memorize (and understand).
-The PPT should include ONLY pictures without text (just a headline if necessary). Pick the pics carefully, visual aids are key (remember you can include also videos). 
-Body language!