Tuesday 7 June 2011

The pleasures of reading

"My Pastime

When someone asks you what you like doing in your free time [Reported Speech question] you can answer that you love going out with friends or talking about a sport which you practise and you really like. In my case, I am not a very sportive person, my pastime is reading.
When you are reading a book, you have to remember that the world you are reading comes from the mind of a person who [relative] creates the story you are living [ommited relative] at that moment. For me reading is a very good way to relax and forget my problems because you don´t have to [modal verb] solve the character´s problems, this is the work of the book author. By reading [gerund after preposition], you can travel to fantastic and imaginary places, live a romance or extraordinary adventures in your own sofa. if someone asked me what my favourite book is, I would answer [Second Conditional] that I can´t choose only one. Some of my favourite books are "La Sombra del viento", "El último Catón", all the books about Harry Potter, etc.
The last book I have read [Present Perfect Simple] is "Wuthering Heights". This book was written [Past Simple Passive] by Emily Brontë, and it´s very special for me. When my mother was sixteen, like me now, her mother asked her if she wanted to read that book [Reported Speech questions]. She answered that it could be a good idea [Reported Speech], and she read it. Since that moment, it became her favourite book. Few days ago, she asked me the same question. I have just read [Present Perfect] the book and I really love it. The story is very complicated, and it isn´t easy to read. But the characters, the romance between Catherine and Heathcliff and her daughter´s problems make this book an amazing story.
Maybe, in the future, if I have a daughter, I will ask her [First Conditional] to read "Wuthering Heights".

Alba R., 1ºD Bachillerato