Tuesday 17 December 2019

Food waste is the world's dumbest problem (B1A/B)

1.What´s the food cam?
2. When was it invented?
3. How much of the food produced in the US is never eaten?
4. How do food production and food waste affect the environment?
5. Is reducing food waste a difficult goal to achieve?
6. Where is food specially wasted in the US?
7. Why are fridges responsible for food waste?
8. And why are plates also responsable for that?
9. What is Copia?
10. How many people were the Copia organizers able to feed in 2 days with food that wasn´t going to be consumed?

Thursday 12 December 2019

Tuesday 10 December 2019

My questions on How I Live Now for the next LC (ch. 7-11)

Choose 3 questions to answer. Some questions refer to chapters 1-6 as well:
-Explain this quote (p. 19) :"Starting your first day as a murderer". Who says it? Why?
-Would you have left your four children alone to go to Oslo to work like Aunt Penn did? Would we be asking this question if the one who went away was their father?
-What is The Calm before the Storm? Why do you think it is mentioned? (ch.6)
-What problem did Melissa Banner and Lyle Hershberg have as a couple? (ch.7)
-What are Edmond´s and Isaac´s weird gifts? (ch. 8)
-Why doesn´t Daisy care about the alarming news about war (actually, she´s enjoying the situation)? (ch.9, 10, 11)

Don´t forget to include your own question and quote in your worksheet.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Emma Watson´s UN speech (4ºA)

1.According to Emma Watson, who are the inadvertent feminists?

2. How does Emma Watson´s speech make a difference in relation to other similar speeches on this issue?

3. Explain Edmund Burke´s quote.

Thursday 28 November 2019

How I Live Now reading plan (4ºA)

Here you are the planning for the Literary Circles about How I Live Now. As usual, you must bring the LC worksheet  about the assigned chapterthose days to be able to participate

December 10chapters 1-6 (Literary workshop: you don´t have to bring the LC worksheet done but you are supposed to bring the summary if you want to take part).
December 17: chapters 7-11
January 7 8: ch.12-16
Jan. 14: ch. 17-20
Jan 21: ch. 21-24
Jan 28: ch. 25-28
Feb. 4: ch. 29 to the end. 

The exam (10% of the total term mark, 30% min. to pass the term ) will be taken in the second week of February.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Singing for Mrs Pettigrew reading plan (3ºA/B,C)

Below you can find a list with the Literary circles dates (on Wednesdays 3ºC, Fridays 3ºA/B that is, the days we have been working with Global Classrooms). That day you have to hand in the Literary Circle worksheet of the story/stories whose LC is scheduled for that day (except for the first LC) if you want to participate in it. The Literary Circle worksheet this year is a bit different from 2º ESO, have a look HERE at some instructions on how to do it. I recommend reading the introduction by the author to each story, but the LC (and the LC worksheet) will only deal with the story itself. 

December 13 (3ºA/B)December 11 (3ºC): MEETING CEZANNE+I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS (you don't have to prepare a LC worksheet, but bring the PQE worksheets we have worked with in class).
December 18 (3ºA/B) / December 18 (3ºC):  THE GIANT´S NECKLACE (you must bring your LC worksheet about this story that day).

After Christmas holidays (all of them with your LC worksheets ready!):

January 8 (3ºC) / Jan. 10 (3ºA/B): MY ONE AND ONLY GREAT ESCAPE
Jan. 15 (3ºC) / Jan. 17 (3ºA/B)MY FATHER IS A POLAR BEAR
Jan. 22 (3ºC) / Jan 24 (3ºA/B):  THE MOZART QUESTION
January 29 (3ºC) /Jan. 31 (3ºA/B): WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE?
February 5 (3ºC) / Feb. 7 (3ºA/B)SINGING FOR MRS PETTIGREW

The stories  HALF A MAN, FOR CARLOS, A LETTER FROM YOUR FATHER and THE SILVER SWAN won't be worked in a Literary Circle since they are very short, you must read them on you own. 

We'll do the exam on all the stories in the second week of February.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Grammar review (3º ESO Sección 1st term)

Click on the links for extra online grammar practice.

Tenses practice:
-Past Simple/Past Continuous.
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect 
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect(2)
-Present Perfect Continuous
-Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
-Past Simple vs Past Perfect 
 -Past Perfect Simple 
-Will/going to
-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1#2 
-The Future Continuous (or "Progressive"): #3 #4 

Irregular verb practice (are you sure you know them well?)
-Irregular verb forms 
-More irregular verbs 
-A crossword now. 

-Type 1 
-Type 2

Don´t forget to review your vocabulary too (Solutions Units 1, 2 and 3) for the exam. 

Sunday 3 November 2019

Questions on The Graveyard Book for next LC (ch.7 and 8)

-We discover more clues about Silas´ true self in these last chapters. Write a compilation of all the clues that are scattered in the book and make a final guess about what he really is.

Now choose one of these two questions (80 words min.):
-In chapter 8 Silas admits having done terrible things in the past (even worse than the Man Jack´s), "I was the monster then", he says. Why do you think he changed and became a member of the Honour Guard?

-Mrs Owens sings a song to Bod when he´s leaving the graveyard. Comment on the last lines:

Friday 25 October 2019

The Graveyard Book questions for next LC (ch.6). 4ºA

Hi all, these are the questions for the next Literary Circle on The Graveyard Book: 

In the book you can find epitaphs of people buried in the graveyard. They appear in italic letters next to the name of the person (for example in chapter 2, p.98: "Joji G. Shoji, d. 1921, I was a stranger and you took me in").  Remember also Liza´s epitaph (made up by Bod): “We don´t forget”.

-Look for an epitaph in the book that you like and explain what it may mean and why you chose it (60 words min.). There are more epitaphs on these pages:

Now choose one of these two questions to develop (in around 80 words):

-What epitaph would you like to have on your grave? Explain why.

-In Chapter 6 Bod wants to go to school, even though Silas does not approve of it, actually he has to convince him. It is not something a kid would normally like, why do you think he wants it so much?

And Happy Halloween...

Wednesday 2 October 2019

The Graveyard Book reading plan (4ºA)

Here you are the planning for the Literary Circles about The Graveyard Book.  As usual, you must bring the LC worksheet  about the assigned chapter(s) those days to be able to participate

  • OCTOBER 8: CH. 3 
  • OCT. 15 : CH. 4 
  • OCT. 22: CH. 5 + INTERLUDE 
  • OCT. 29: CH. 6
  • NOVEMBER 5: CH. 7-8 
  • NOV. 11: EXAM

"Face your life,
 Its pain, 
Its pleasure, 
Leave no path untaken". 

Monday 23 September 2019

Wednesday 10 April 2019

4ºB: change of plans

Hi, a rearrangement in our term plan is needed taken into account a couple overlappings with the external exams. Check it out:

-Thursday April 25: you have the Comunidad external exams so we won´t be able to do the Literary Circle scheduled for that day (chapter 5+Interlude). We´ll go over both chapters in class the following Monday (April 29). You can hand in the LC worksheet that very Monday.

-Friday April 26: more CAM exams, so the vlog activity deadline has to be put off until again the following Monday (April 29).

-You won´t believe this, but the FCE/CAE written exam will be held on another Thursday (May 9). Once more, the LC for chapter 6 must be rescheduled, in this case to a previous date: Tuesday May 7 (so that Fahmee can help us). Don´t forget to bring the LC worksheet that day!

-The PET exam (written part) will be on May 21.

-The speaking exam for all students will be on May 7 (Tuesday)   Monday 6 after the school regular timetable like last year.

-The Graveyard Book exam is kept the day scheduled (May 17).

-Enjoy your holidays and relax!

The William Blake project (3ºB, 3ºC)

You have to prepare a videoclip based on a poem by William Blake. Deadline is May 13 (Monday). That day you will show the video, give a presentation of your work to the class and explain the meaning of the poem. This activity will account for a 10% of your final term mark. 

Follow these guidelines for your videoclip:
-Your voice must be recorded reciting the poem. Check the pronounciation of difficult words (here, for example) Don´t just copy and paste one videoclip from the net (I´ll notice!)
-Each line of the poem (more or less) should be accompanied by an image that matches it. You have to show me you understand the poem. Creativity is very welcome.
-It´d great if you could include good background music that relates to the topic of the poem.
-The videoclip and class presentation can be done individually or in groups of 2/3 students (no more than 3 people per group please). The list of teams must be turned in on April 26 (Friday) the latest. Include also the name of poem you have chosen.
-Have a look at some videoclips made by my students past years (here and here).

Two links where you can explore some of Blake's most famous poems (but there are many more websites):

-Here you are a list of 10, and they are commented.
-Another website with more poems.

"William Blake said we were surrounded by angels and spirits. We must just open our eyes a little wider, look a little harder". (Michael Almond´s Skellig)

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Vlogs (4ºB)

Here you are some good examples of book vlogs for your project with comments on each one. And here, five useful tips to make a good vlog.

Monday 25 March 2019

For and against essay (3ºB/C)

Here are the topics for your essay (150-200 words). Remember the deadline is this Friday.

1. I couldn´t live without the internet.
2. Bilingual education is great.
3. I wouldn´t mind working abroad in the future.
4. Teamwork activities are my favourite at school.
5. I would rather study in a private school.
6. Recycling is a bore.
7. Secondary school students should wear uniforms.
8. Doctors should get a higher salary than football players.
9. Mobile phones should be allowed at schools.
10. Success in life means money.
11. Parents should let us do whatever we want.

Monday 4 March 2019

Grammar review (4º)

Click on the links, you´ll find useful online exercises and explanations on part of the contents for next Grammar exam (for vocabulary and the rest of the grammar contents please use your handbook and the exercises in hard copy). Remember the exam is cumulative (units 1-6).

-Tenses practice:
-Past Simple/Past Continuous.
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect 
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect(2)
-Past Simple vs Past Perfect 
-Present Perfect Continuous
-Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous 
-Past Perfect Simple 
-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1#2 
-The Future Continuous: #3 #4 
-Mixed Future tenses: #5 #6  
-A bit of everything 
-Irregular verbs forms 
-More irregular verbs 
-A crossword now. 

-Passive forms: click on these links.

-Passive forms (advanced structures). 
#2 (explanation and exercises)


 -Modal verbs for Deduction in the past (must/may/might/can´t+have+participle) and Regret (should +have+part.). 
#2 (scroll down for the drills)

Wednesday 27 February 2019

"The Thirty-Nine Steps" Reading plan (B1A/C)

Reading (and speaking practice) plan for the next weeks:


Sunday 24 February 2019

Grammar review (3ºB/C)

Online practice. Click on the links:  

Future Perfect and Continuous:
-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1#2 
-The Future Continuous (or "Progressive"): #3 #4 
-Mixed Future tenses: #5 #6  

Expressing Ability (can, could, be able to)

Reported Speech (Statements)

Reported Speech (Questions)
-Yes/No questions: #1, #2  
-Information questions: #1, #2
-Mix: #1

Indirect questions (remember here you don´t have to change the tense)

(Remember the contents are cumulative, revise also the ones for the first term here).