Monday 30 May 2011

The future

What will your future be like? Will you be rich? Will you marry? Will you have five children? While you think of it, let´s do some practice on the future in English:

1.Do these exercises on the will future: Click here.
2.More on will, now in question form here.
3.Now, going to: click here!
4.Clear now? Just in case, click here for more.
5.Now, work them in contrast. A bit more difficult, but you can do it! Click here!

Friday 27 May 2011

England and Ireland on the net!

Search in google and write the answers in the worksheet.

1. What is the capital of Scotland? What is its population?

2.Where are these British flags from?




3.What is the name of Wales in Gaelic?

4.Indicate in the blank map the following islands: isle of Man, isle of Wight, Skye, Jura.

5.What is the name of the language that was spoken in the Isle of Man? When did it disappear?

6. You want to spend two nights in London. Choose a hotel you like and write its name, its address and the cost per night of the room.

7. What is the Leadenhall building?

8. Write the name of four football players of the Manchester United Football Club.

9. What is the Ring of Kerry? Where is it?

10. Find a picture of the Millenium Bridge of London. When was it finished? Who built it?

11. Santiago Calatrava, the Spanish architect, has built two bridges in Dublin. What are their names? Find pictures. Which one do you like most?

12.What is Cornwall? What is it famous for?