Saturday 23 September 2017

Literature projects (4ºD)

Hi all,
Now this is the distribution of topics and dates for the projects. You´ll know the exact day as soon as I know the day(s) we are going to have the assistant with us. Anyway, your presentation will take place one day of the week indicated.

American authors:
1st author´s presentation. Edgar Allan Poe: David´s  team (9-13 Oct.)
2nd presentation. Emily Dickinson: Lorena´s team (16-20 Oct.)
3rd presentation. Walt Whitman:  Petar´s team (23-27 Oct.) 

British authors:
4th presentation. Charlotte Brontë: Natalia´s team (30 Oct.-3 Nov.)
5th presentation. Charles Dickens: Juan´s team (6 Nov.-10 Nov.)
6th presentation. Oscar Wilde: Simina´s team (13Nov.-17 Nov.)

Just as a reminder, here you are again the guidelines for the project:

Duration: Around 20 minutes (in the 4-member groups). Each participant must speak for 5 minutes. Later we´ll clarify important points, assess your work and your classmates will take the quiz you’ve prepared beforehand.

Your presentation should include:
1) Author’s biography: the student in charge of the biography will also conclude the presentation too. Do not include more than 3 dates.
2) His/her 3 main works. Each student will talk about one. (In 3-member groups only 2 works)
3) A quiz for your classmates. Your 10-question quiz must be included in your power point together with the answers and in a word document. Both PPT and word document will be sent to your teacher by e-mail 2 days before your presentation.

4) A Poster that you’ll bring to class the day of your presentation. It will include: name of the author, photo and either a quotation by the author or an interesting fact about his/her life.

Assessment: 10% of your total term mark. Half of the mark for the project will be a common mark shared by all members in the team, the other 50% will depend on each student´s individual performance. Besides, don´t forget the literature exam will include all these contents (together with my own introductory presentations). 

Basic Dos and Dont´s (but don´t forget the others I told you in class): 
-Don´t read your presentations. Make them simple so they are easy to memorize (and understand).
-The PPT should include ONLY pictures without text (just a headline if necessary). Pick the pics carefully, visual aids are key (remember you can include also videos). 
-Body language!

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