Sunday 28 September 2014

"The Lady or The Tiger" endings (E3ºA)

Here are some of your endings for the unfinished story (Frank Stockton´s The Lady or The Tiger) we worked in class:

"He went to the door on the right and opened it.(...) There was a ring and a bouquet of red roses.(...)
-"Oh dad, what have you done?" asked the princess.
-"I changed the beautiful lady into a ring and a bouquet of roses. Because no woman is more beautiful than you, and he chose you from the first moment he saw you. He is innocent", explained the king. (...) The princess and the commoner lived together happily ever after".  (Noelia G.)

"Suddenly, a tiger appeared from the darkness and jumped onto the young man. As the man was very agile, he dodged the tiger´s attack. (...) The tiger was surprised, nobody had dodged the tiger before. (...) The spectators couldn´t believe it, even the king was astonished. The tiger had calmed down and it was lying lazily on the ground. The young man was stroking its fur as if it was just a cat.(...) He was the first person that survived the tiger. As a reward, the king allowed him to marry the princess". (Daniel V.)

"As he guessed, he found a beautiful lady behind the door, but his attention was on the princess. She was trying to hold her sadness and not to cry.(...) The lady was looking at him constantly and the priest had arrived to marry them, but the young man was extremely concentrated on his thoughts. Suddenly, he opened the tiger´s door and ran away. The tiger ate the lady and the priest, and in the middle of the chaos, the young man and the princess escaped". (Irene T.)

"Although he was shaking, the young man could open the door. (...) When the man could react, saw that inside that room there wasn´t anything. The responsible for this strange moment was the princess, who had put the tiger inside the room of the lady. (...) The princess and the young man ran away from the arena, (...) they arrived at the young man´s home. They decided to hide there from the king and his soldiers. Meanwhile, the king thought of a perfect plan to get rid of the young man. Two days later, the king and his soldiers went to the house and kidnapped him while the princess was sleeping. The next day the man woke up in a desert island without food or water". (Aroa M.)

Great work!

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