Wednesday 10 October 2018

3ºB&C first term readings plan

-October 15: You have to hand in the activity about The Squire's tale from The Canterbury Tales (150 word writing in the template I have given to you). Read the story first!

-October 19: Hand in the activities about The Franklin's Tale (from The Canterbury Tales).

-October 26: There will be a test about The Lady or the Tiger story. Do the vocabulary activity before! You also have to hand in the activities about The Gift of the Magi. You have an example of how the PQE method works HERE.

-November 5: Deadline for your activities about The Last Leaf. 

-November 9: We will do a literary circle about all the stories.You have to bring to class a literary circle worksheet with the usual contents but including the 5 stories:
1. Choose 5 words (one per story)
2. Write a summary of each story (20 words max. per story).
3. Quotation (and reason why you chose it): Choose 1 quotation from any of the 5 stories.
4. Question (with the answer): again only 1 question about any of the 5 stories.
5. Instead of the prediction,explain which story you liked most and why (70 words min.)

-November 12: Exam about the readings (including The Wife of Bath Tale). Remember you need a 30% min. correct to pass the term.

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