Monday 28 September 2015

First presentation topics

Presentation topics for the 1.30 min speaking activity (in pairs) to take place on October 6 (next Tuesday). Choose one, and choose it quickly (topics can´t be repeated, they´ll be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis!).

1. The best thing that has ever happened to me
2. The worst thing that has ever happened to me
3. A surprise I had
4. A memory from childhood I´ll always remember
5. What is friendship?
6. Bilingual education: pros and cons
7. A problem I have 
8. Your most embarrassing moment.
9. What would you like to change and why?
10. Things I can't understand
11. Your most curious dream.
12. High school is the best time in your life. Or not…
13. Things you would change in our high-school
14. Your favourite book
15. Should mobiles be used at school?
16. Your dream job
17. Will robots replace humans?  Will robots take our jobs?
18. Would you want to live on another planet?
19. Social networking sites: pros and cons.
20. What will future houses look like?
21. Sex roles

1 comment: said...

People who do not like foreign languages and refuse to study them deprive themselves of numerous opportunities granted by knowledge of other languages but your native one, follow this source to find out all benefits being a bilingual