Wednesday 29 January 2014

Life in the future (E1B)

"I think there won´t be schools in the future. Maybe scientists will create a chip that will keep all the information that can be learned. People won´t dress with clothes, they might be inside a "health robot". This robot will consist in a metal suit of armor that keeps a warm temperature and gives you whatever you want such as health and delicious food.

Holidays will last the whole year because without school, kids won´t have to do anything. People will have a gun that will project in 6D a landscape that you can choose, so you´ll be able to go to the beach by just pulling the trigger!

In the future people might not use means of transport because the robots where people are inside might also teletransport them anywhere in the world in just one second".

By Álvaro G. (E1ºB). Great ideas!

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