Friday 15 November 2013

Debates (E2C)

(This information is for ESO 2ºC only)

Instructions for the debate:

-The pairs will be the same as the ones I organized for Kathryn´s speaking practice on Thursday.There will be a group of three people. If you want to work with a different person and the rest of your partners agree on the change, it´s OK for me but let me know first.
-In each group, one member will be for the statement and the other will be against. If you have the same opinion on the topic, one will have to pretend.
-The script with the debate must be handed in to the teacher by Friday 22, I´ll give them back to you, with my corrections, the next Monday.
-The debates will begin on Monday 2 (December).
-Each member in the group must speak at least 3 minutes.
-Participation of the rest of the students in the debate (questions at the end) will be rewarded.
-Evaluation: 1 point.
-Topics of the debate (they are suggestions, you can think of other topics but tell me first): 

1. I couldn´t live without the internet.
2. Bilingual education is great.
3. I wouldn´t mind working abroad in the future.
4. Teamwork activities are my favourite at school.
5. I would rather study in a private school.
6. Recycling is a bore.
7. Secondary school students should wear uniforms.
8. Doctors should get a higher salary than football players.
9. Mobile phones should be allowed at schools.
10. Success in life means money.
11. Parents should let us do whatever we want.

-Each group must choose a different topic. Choose the topic fast! The first to tell me their choice will get it; if you are too late you may have to choose a different one.

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