Monday 13 May 2013

"My region is the best" presentation (B1A/B)

This is the role-play you have to act out: you are the local authorities of a region/city in a country of your choice (e.g. Cornwall, Wales, Coslada, etc). The rest of the students in the class are important investors who want to build a huge hotel and leisure centre somewhere in the world. You want your region/city to be chosen, of course! So you have to "sell" it to them and convince them that yours is the best alternative.


-You must work in groups (4-5 people).

-You must choose an area/city in a country and research about it.

-You must give a presentation (in powerpoint) showing the most interesting features of the region you represent and explaining why it is the best place for the investors to put their money.

-The powerpoint presentation must be based on pictures, the slides must NOT include texts (just isolated names, dates or figures), like in PechaKucha presentations (a very fashionable format you can use: 20 slides, explained in 20 seconds each, if the group has four members that means each person is supposed to explain 5 slides). You can´t read anything.

-The presentations will be given the first week of June.

-Evaluation: 2.5 points (this is your speaking exam). One point will go for the powerpoint presentation, so that mark will be shared by the members of the group, and the rest (1.5 p.) for the oral presentation of each member of the group (that mark will be individual).

-The powerpoint presentation must have a minimum of 20 slides plus a cover page. Include a map of the region you have chosen so that we can follow your presentation.

-Finally the best project will be chosen by the whole class.

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