Sunday 21 October 2012

Your own legends

Here are some of your legends. In bold the key words you had to use. Good job! Answer the questions at the end of the stories:
Story 1:

"This is a story about a young wizard. One day, when he was walking in the countryside, a lot of moths suddenly covered him. He tried to get rid of them and, very frightened, ran out far away. When he was running, he saw a little church and he decided to hide there until the moths left him. He opened the door. Inside everything was dark and he decided to sit down on a bench. Suddenly he saw next to him an old monk. The monk looked at him with a strange smile.
A few minutes later he tried to speak to him but this was not possible. He looked like dumb or perhaps deaf. When the young wizard stood up, the monk said: "Young man, go out as fast as you can and good luck!". But he couldn´t because all the doors and windows were closed. And the monk wasn´t there. The young wizard thought he was crazy. "This is magic", he said, "but I´m a wizard". Then he took his magic wand and with a spell returned to the countryside. When he returned to the school of wizards his teacher told him: "Very good, you passed the exam". (Paula G., E1A).

Story 2:

"One day, a child called Benji was playing in the park. Benji was 12 years old, he was blond and had blue eyes. He was very beautiful. When he was in the park the bell of the curch rang but it wasn´t normal that the bell rang at that time. It was 4.25 p.m. when the bell rang and he also saw a shadow coming out of the church. he got afraid and began to run around all the park. All the exits of the park were blocked with a magic wall that was invisible and when you touched it, it became blue. A monk came out of the church. Benji got afraid because the monk had something in his hands. He thought it was a gun but it wasn´t, it was a magic wand. When Benji knew it was a magic wand he called him excitedly. The monk didn´t answer but touched Benji with the magic wand and cast a spell on him. He felt a strange feeling, he felt as if his head was spinning very fast. Benji got dizzy and fell down. The spell was that he was going to be buried until the bell of the same church rang again one day at the same hour. The monk thought it was going to be impossible. That night he was buried into a grave at the cemetery.
The monk was clever but at the same time stupid. He was clever because he made Benji´s head spin very fast so that he fell down and he was stupid because when he made that Benji´s neurons changed from one place to another and he made Benji have magical powers. Now Benji could read the minds of others and communicate with persons by thinking what he wanted to say. Then Benji had a great idea. He could communicate with other persons through the mind so what he was going to do is to tell his friend Oliver to ring the bell of the church at the same time the next day. Oliver didn´t understand what was happening so now Benji had to explain him what happened. Although Oliver was confused because he didn´t understand very well what happened at 4.23 p.m. Oliver was there and 2 minutes later the bell rang. It was magic because Benji felt as if he was transported from one place to another. The place where he appeared was the most beautiful place he had ever been. That place was full of swans and there was a lake. But he had a problem... he was trapped there. He tried using his magical powers but he couldn´t! It was strange and difficult to understand but then his powers changed from reading the mind of other persons to transporting himself from one place to another... it was incredible. Then he transported himself to his housewith his family and friends but he had to explain all the people what happened. He never came back again to the park of the church.  (Inés A., E1A).

Story 3:

"Long ago there lived a king called Lir. He lived with his wife and twelve sons, eleven boys and one girl called Elisa. When Lir´s wife died they were very sad. After a few years Lir got married to a jealous woman. One day she sent Elisa with a family of peasants and cast a spell on the eleven princes and became swans with a crown on their heads. The jealous wife lied to the king saying that she sent the princes to a military school.
Years later Elisa came to a river  and an elderly woman said to her that she saw eleven swans with crowns in the coast. Elisa didn´t see his brothers for years and went to the coast. Her brothers were there and they explained that during the day they were swans and by night they were humans.
That night she dreamed of the old woman saying that the only solution was sewing eleven jackets with nettles. She couldn´t speak during that period and she had to take the nettles from a cemetery. One day Elisa married to a prince of a palace, of course without talking to him. When she finished all the jackets all her brothers became human again and her father separated from his cruel and jealous wife". (Álvaro de B. E1C).

Answer now these questions:
-Which story is the most similar to The Children of Lir?
-Explain the relation between the pictures and the stories
-Which story did you like most? Why?

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