Sunday 15 April 2012

The Present Perfect and you.

Some of you seem to have problems when using the Present Perfect. These are excerpts from your compositions, is the tense used correctly? If not, correct the mistake:

1."I have been in Luis García Berlanga high-school for seven months."
2."In the first course of Primary I met Laura, Eva, Paula, Lidia, Ana... Since first course I had been her friends".
3."So I have been learning English since then and now I know a lot".
4."When I was a child I couldn´t be relaxed so I had broken many times my arm, my leg, a finger..."
5. "Since August last year, for several months, I have been proposing a trip to London and Ireland and finally we are now preparing it".
6. "I am in a football club since 2009, it´s called E.F. El Olivo".
7. "I have been living in Ecuador since I was born till I was 3 years old".
8. "For four years I have been going to an English academy with some friends in Coslada".
9."I have being living in Coslada all my life with my parents".
10."I have been studying in the school or high-school since 2002".
11."Since 2000 I go every summer to France".
12."Our class is famous because teachers have been angry with us since the first day".

13."I love tennis. Since I was a baby I was playing tennis with my grandfather".

14."When I was little I have played a lot with my cousin".

15."I like playing the piano, I have been playing it for 3 years".
16."Since I was small, I love playing football".
17."Since I was a child I had been living in Coslada".
18."In the 1st course of ESO I have made much more friends and my life has changed, but I like those changes".
19."In 2011 I started high school. My marks were not brilliant but they weren´t bad".
20."I have gone to karate classes when I was 4 years old".
21."I have started the high-school in 2011".

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