Wednesday 27 January 2010

Moby Dick activities for 4ºB

-Answer these questions about the book in English:

1.Why did Ishmael become a sailor?
2.Describe the picture he saw in the depressing hotel in New Bedford.
3.What was Kwee-Kweg trying to sell?
4.What did the harpooner take from his pocket?

5.What is the Pequod? Describe it.
6.What happened to captain Ahab on his last voyage?
7.What is the objective of the next voyage of the Pequod?
8.How long will the voyage last?
9.Say the names of the first and second officers in the ship.

-True or False? If False, correct the sentence:

10.Starbuck wasn´t married.( )
11.Starbuck´s son was killed by a whale.( )
12.Stubb was a confident sailor.( )
13.Islanders weren´t good at fishing whales.( )
14.Ahab´s artificial leg was made of wood.( )

15.Ahab offered the sailors a Spanish gold coin if they were the first to kill the whale.( )
16.Little Pip saw a whale.( )

-Answer these questions in English:
17.Who were Ahab´s "special sailors"?
18.What happened while the sailors were rowing to the Pequod with the dead whale?
19.What is the superstition Kwee-Kweg tells Ishmael?
20.What did captain Mayhew tell Ahab?

21.What musical instrument did Little Pip use to play?
22. What did he do while they other sailors were hunting the whales?
23. Why did the sailors get very angry with Little Pip?
24.What did Ahab do when Little Pip began to behave strangely?

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