Wednesday 22 February 2023

Grammar review 2nd term (4ºA)


-Tenses practice:

-Past Simple/Past Continuous.
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect(2)
-Past Simple vs Past Perfect 
-Present Perfect Continuous
-Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
-Past Perfect Simple 
-Past Perfect Simple vs Past Perfect Continuous

-More tenses:

-Used to vs would for past habits (with explanation). 

-Future Perfect vs Future Continuous

-More Future Perfect  vs Future Continuous

-Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous

-More on the Future tenses:

-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1#2
-The Future Continuous: #3 #4 
-Mixed Future tenses: #5 #6  

-Are you sure you know your irregular verb forms?

-Irregular verbs forms 
-More irregular verbs 
-A crossword now. 

-And now, a bit of everything (mixed tenses)

-Modal verbs for Deduction in the past (must/may/might/can´t+have+participle) and Regret (should +have+part.). 

#2 (scroll down for the drills)


Thursday 26 January 2023

3º ESO Use of English review (Solutions units: Intro to 5B)


Online practice. Click on the links:  

Future Perfect and Continuous:

-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1#2 
-The Future Continuous (or "Progressive"): #3 #4 
-Mixed Future tenses: #5 #6  

Expressing Ability (can, could, be able to): #1#2#3, #4, #5

Nominal clauses (also called "cleft sentences"): #1

Tenses Review: #1, #2

Relative Clauses Review: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

Conditionals (1st and 2nd type) Review: #1, #2, #3

-Reported Speech:
-More statements
-More questions
-Order/requests (Imperative)
-More requests, now in the negative form.
-Mixed sentences.

More practice here!

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Tuesday 30 June 2020


I wish I could say goodbye to you properly after this weird term, but once more, we´ll have to communicate via the internet. And it´s especially poignant in this case since next year I won't be teaching at the Berlanga, I´m moving to a new school closer my home. In your virtual classes in Google Classrooms or Edmodo I´ve uploaded a more private message for you, please check it out. Thank you for all the great moments we have shared together, I won´t forget them. If only I could take you all with me...

Monday 18 May 2020

Speculating about the Past and Regrets (Modal Perfects)

Hi, here you are more online practice on the Modal Perfects to speculate about the past:

Exercise 1 (multiple choice overview)

Exercise 2 (gap-filling overview)

Exercise 3 (another gap-filling drill)

Exercise 4  (do you know when to use the modal + infinitive OR the modal + have + participle? Check it out there! Remember: is the sentence set in the present or in the past?)

Finally, here you are an exercise (with keys) of should (have+part.) to express regret.

Do them as many times as possible to nail them!

Sunday 12 April 2020

B1A/B Grammar review units 7,8

Click on the link

-Have/get something done practice: 


-Review other previous contents here

Friday 10 April 2020

China ends Wuhan lockdown!

Have a look at the celebrations here. If you want to know how Wuhan teenagers coped with confinement, have a look at this uplifting video.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Grammar review 4º ESO


-Passive forms (advanced structures). 
#2 (explanation and exercises)

-Reported Speech:
-More statements
-More questions
-Order/requests (Imperative)
-More requests, now in the negative form.
-Mixed sentences.

Reporting verbs:
#4 (Scroll down for the exercises)

-Type 1
-Type 2
-Another link to Type 2
-Type 3
-Type 3 again.
-Conditionals (all types)
-Another Conditionals (all types) drill.

-Mixed Conditionals (2nd+3rd) 

-Another exercise on Mixed Conditionals. 


 -Modal verbs for Deduction in the past (must/may/might/can´t+have+participle) and Regret (should +have+part.):
#2 (scroll down for the drills)

-Tenses practice:

-Past Simple/Past Continuous.
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect
-Simple Past vs Present Perfect(2)
-Past Simple vs Past Perfect 
-Present Perfect Continuous
-Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
-Past Perfect Simple 
-The Future Perfect. Click on these links: #1, #2
-The Future Continuous: #3 , #4 
-Mixed Future tenses: #5 , #6  

-Used to vs would for past habits (with explanation). 
-A bit of everything
-Irregular verbs forms 
-More irregular verbs 
-A crossword now. 

Monday 6 April 2020

Grammar review 3º (Solutions units 6,7,8,9)

Click on the number/highlighted word(s):

Indirect questions (remember here you don´t have to change the tense)

Question tags

Advice, obligation and prohibition

Modal Perfects for speculation
#1 (Click on "grammar test")

More practice on modal perfects here

-Conditionals (all types):
-Type 3
-Type 3 again.
-Type 1
-Type 2
-Another link to Type 2
-Conditionals mix 
-Another Conditionals mix drill.

More practice on the 3rd Conditional here

-Passive forms

-Passive forms (advanced structures). 
#2 (explanation and exercises)

-Reporting verbs:
#4 (Scroll down for the exercises)

-And now, an exciting plus: Reported Speech Review.
-More statements
-More questions
-Order/requests (Imperative)
-More requests, now in the negative form.
-Mixed sentences.

Remember you must also check the previous Units (Intro to Unit 5). You have practice on those here

Monday 30 March 2020

Wednesday 25 March 2020

B1ºA/B Work Plan

Hi all! This is the plan for the next week with English File (Student´s and Workbook):

-Thurs. March 26: STUDENT´S BOOK p.74 ("Looking after Yourself") ex.1a and 1b (go to p. 163 and do the vocabulary exercises there). Then go to the WORKBOOK and do the exercises 1a and 1b on page 50. -Friday March 27: STUDENT´S BOOK p.75 (Reading: "Sauna or oven"), then go to the WORKBOOK and on pages 50 do exercises 2a and 2b about the text that is on the following page ("The Most Health-Conscious Age"). Do also exercise c on p.51 -Monday March 30: STUDENT´S BOOK p.76 ("Have something done") ex 4a and 4b (in this exercise you have to go to p. 146 and read the explanations and do the activities there). WORKBOOK: P.51 (ex. 3a) p. 52 (ex. 3b). -Tuesday March 31: STUDENT´S BOOK: p. 77 ex. 6a and 6b (in this exercise fo to the page 163 and do the vocabulary activities there). WORKBOOK: p. 52, exercise 5 (Vocabulary). -Wednesday April 1: STUDENT´S BOOK: P.81 (the Passive): ex. 5a and ex 5b (in this ex. you have to go to p. 147 and do the activities there). WORKBOOK P. 53, exercise 3. -Thursday April 2: STUDENT´S BOOK p. 81 (ex. 6a and 6b): you have to describe a building (130 words) following the guidelines in the textbook. Mandálo a la clase virtual de Edmodo, crearé la asignación. En Word o a mano con foto (clara). -Friday April 3: Easter holidays start!

El confinamiento es posible que haya terminado para cuando acaben, nos vemos si así es el 13 de abril!
No olvidéis trabajar también en la película o presentación y ojo con Fuzzy Mud, habrá examen a la vuelta... Podéis entregarme las preguntas aunque sea fuera de plazo en la asignación correspondiente en Edmodo.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

4°A: Holes ch.17-25 questions (for Monday 23 LC)

Pick two:

-Explain Zigzag's behaviour in ch. 17. What does it tell you about him?
-What's the secret ingredient in the Warden's nail polish?
-Who dug Stanley's hole while he was with the Warden and Mr Sir?
-How was Stanley's great-grandfather able to survive for 17 days alone in the desert after Kate Barlow had left him stranded (according to him)?
-What is the "food for the angels" in ch. 23?
-What do you think Hattie Parker is going to do?

Monday 16 March 2020

B1A/B: Fuzzy Mud ch. 26-28 questions

Chapter 26:
1. What does Tamaya give Chad?
2. Why can´t  Chad see?
3. What has Chad been thinking about all the time he has been alone in the forest?
4. How is the relationship between Chad and his parents?

1. Where is Marshall? Why is he there?
2. What is he thinking about?
3. What does he discover?

1. What does Chad tell Tamaya about his brother and sisters?
2. What could explain why Chad is a bully?
3. What happens at the end of the chapter?

You can send your answers to the Virtual Class I have created in Edmodo for you. You just need to go to the Edmodo webpage and enter a code. Send me an email to get it (you can also give it to me by clicking on Post a comment below -your emal won´t be published). I´ll also give you instructions on how to join.