Friday 3 October 2014

Presentations (E3ºA,D)

Presentation topics for the 1.30 min speaking activity (in pairs) to take place on October 15. Choose one (topics can´t be repeated, they´ll be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis).

-The best thing that has ever happened to me (3ºD: Aitor+Alejandro) (3ºA: Laura+María)
-The worst thing that has ever happened to me(3ºD: Noelia+Silvia)
-A surprise I had (3ºA: Irene+Irene)
-A memory from childhood I´ll always remember (3ºA: Lucía+Gema Noelia)
-What is friendship? (3ºA: Noelia+Aroa)
-Bilingual education: pros and cons (3ºD: María M.+Raquel)
-A problem I have 
-Your most embarrassing moment.
-What would you like to change and why? (3ºD: Águeda+Ángeles)
-Things I can't understand (3ºA: Alejandro Z.+Jorge)
-Your most curious dream.
-High school is the best time in your life. Or not…
-Things you would change in our high-school
-Your favourite book (3ºA: Angela+Elisabet) (3ºD: Irene+María)
-Should mobiles be used at school?(3ºA: Nacho+Adrián)
-Your dream job (3ºD: Verónica+Ángela) (3ºA: Marielena+Beatriz)
-Will robots replace humans?  Will robots take our jobs? (3ºA: Daniel+Javier)
-Would you want to live on another planet? (3ºA: Rubén+Stefan)
-Social networking sites: pros and cons(3ºD: Razvan+ Diana)
-What will future houses look like? (3ºA: Ismael+Adrián)
-Sex roles (3ºD: Sara+Inés)

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