Friday 30 September 2011

So what happened with Soapy?

You´re curious about the ending of Soapy´s story, aren´t you? here it is:

…” Then Soapy felt a hand on his arm. He jumped and looked around quickly – into the face of a policeman! “What are you doing here!”, asked the policeman. “Nothing”, Soapy answered. “So come with me”, the policeman said. “Three months in prison”, they told Soapy the next day".

Now, answer the following questions (in your notebooks):

-Do you like this ending? Why?

-Is this a happy or a sad story? Why?

The story is called Soapy´s Choice (far less original than the titles you suggested) and the author is O.Henry. Why don´t you find more information about him on the internet? Try to find out the answer to these questions (write them in your notebooks):

-Where and when was he born?

-Is he a famous writerin the United States? How do you know?

-What is the setting of most of his stories?

-What is the meaning of the English expression “An O.Henry ending”?

You can use this link to get the information. Remember it´s for Thursday. Have a nice weekend!

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